
First and foremost, we’re grateful to the people who shared their stories with us, and those who assisted us on our reporting journeys into Indigenous communities:

Adrienne Charlie, Aliana Parker, Aly Reid, Andrea Palmer, Andrew Van Eden, Arianna Johnny-Wadsworth, Baillie Redfern, Benjamin Chung, Bibiana Norris, Brenda Point, Bruce Robertson, Carey McReynolds, Char George, Cheryl Julian, Chief Ernie Crey, Chris Dixon, Christine Wasiak, Connie Paul, Curtis Ahenakew, Darcy Good, Dave Schaepe, Diana Kay, Dr. Cornelia Wieman, Dr. Kristy Williams, Dr. Nadine Caron, Dr. Terri Aldred, Elder Marr Dorvault, Elder Roberta Price, Elder Violet Bozoki, Elizabeth Wilson, Ethan Gardner, Ethan Pincott, Ethel Gardner, Eugene Harry, Evan Gardner, Ezra Greene, Frank George, Gabriel George, Gail Point, Gary Wyatt, Grand Chief Clarence “Kat” Pennier, Grand Chief Doug Kelly, Grand Chief Tyrone McNeil, James Andrew, James Leon, Jane Inyallie, Jared Deck, Jessica Malloway, Jordan Wilson, Joseph Fosella, Joshua Peters, Judy Douglas, Julia Petrasek MacDonald, Julie Malloway, Kalila George-Wilson, Kalup George, Keith Thor Carlson, Khelsilem, Kim Lawson, Krista Zawadski, Kwosel, Kükpi/Jayden Bobb-Gaollimore, Lakota Julian, Latash Maurice Nahanee, Lauralee Kelly, Lauren Hutchinson, Lollie Good, Lori Kelly, Louella Nome, Mandy Jones, Mara Andrews, Marianne Ignace, Marissa Nahanee, Mark Campbell, Mark Podlasly, Mark Turin, Melodie Lavelleé, Merle Williams, Michael Furdyk, Michael Lascelles, Naxaxalhts’i/Albert “Sonny” McHalsie, Nick George, Ocean Hyland, Paige Kimik, Patricia Raymond-Adair, Patricia Watts, Patrick Hape, Paul Nuttall, Phil Hall, Randi George, Rebecca Baker, Reuben George, Robbi Wilson, Russell Wallace, Ruth Adams, Ryan Danroth, Salia George, Sandra Bobb, Semiat/Makayla Sam-Greene, Shoba Sharma, Shoukia van Beek, Siyámíya/Dianna Kay, Staff and Students of Seabird Island Community School, Strang Burton, Susan Tatoosh, Susanna Ciotti, Swo-wo Gabriel (Billy), Tammy Bartz, Tania Dick, Tia (Patricia) Halstad, Trevor Kehoe, Tsandlia Van Ry, Valeen Jules, Valencia Bobb, Vange Point, Verna Billy, Vicky Thomas, Victor Guerin, Victoria Carter, Victoria Williams, Wanda Christianson, Wayne Bobb, Xwalacktun, students and teachers in the Tsleil-Waututh hən̓q̓əmin̓əm language class.

We also wish to honour the many people without whom the Reporting in Indigenous Communities course would not have been possible:

Our Guest Speakers

Glen Coulthard – Professor (Political Science) – University of British Columbia
Debra Martel – Associate Director – University of British Columbia First Nations House of Learning
Candace Galla – Assistant Professor (Language & Literacy Education) – University of British Columbia
Ernie Crey – Chief – Cheam First Nation
Nadya Kwandibens – Red Works Photography
Liv Inger Somby – Sami University College (Norway)
Michelle Alexandrovics Lovegrove – New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (Australia)
Tristan Ahtone – Associate Editor at High Country News (U.S.)
Wawmeesh Hamilton – Reporter at Discourse Media

Indigenous Communities

Squamish Nation
Stó:lō Tribal Council
Stó:lō Nation
Urban Indigenous Community
Wider B.C. Indigenous Community

Additional Thanks

Stephanie Brown and Jennifer Geens – CBC Indigenous
Joan Melanson – CBC Radio
Alison Broddle – CBC Digital
Ross Bragg – CBC Vancouver
Lawrence Nayally – CBC North
Robert Doane – CBC Prince George
Michael Dick – CBC Thunderbay

Last but not least…

All of our friends, family and the Faculty and Staff at the UBC Graduate School of Journalism.